Trond Fasteraune

Makes video games

Location: Hamar, Norway

In 2005 I hosted a custom 24/7 Counter-Strike server. Since then, I’ve modded, mapped, scripted, tinkered, programmed and released some games for most platforms. I have over 10 years of game studio experience, multiple released projects and a broad range of programming knowledge. My current interest is the making of multiplayer games and the creation of communities within these games.

Here’s a list of companies and projects I’ve worked on.

Year Company Projects
2013-2015 DOS Studios Size DOES Matter, Cube Cube
2015-2018 Krillbite Studio Among the Sleep for PS4 & Xbox One, Mosaic
2018 Improbable SpatialOS Unity GDK Prototyping
2018 Agens Skate City
2019 Hyper Games Mosaic for iOS
2019-2020 Snow Software Software Asset Management plugins
2020-now Spillkaminen Open Netcode, Bear Survival, Rock Paper Scissors Royale
2022 Black Book Games Prototyping and High Concept Design
2022-now Raidho Games Programmer and Designer on Astride

Main Projects

Open Netcode

Name: Open Netcode
Status: Abandoned
Company: Spillkaminen
When: 2020-2022
Role: Owner

Open Netcode is an open source server authoritative networking package for Unity DOTS. I made this while Unity was still developing their Netcode for Entities, but dropped it as soon as they released DOTS 1.0.

Rock Paper Scissors Royale

Name: Rock Paper Scissors Royale
Status: To be continued
Company: Spillkaminen
When: 2021-now
Role: Owner

Rock Paper Scissors Royale is a battle royale game where you fight your way to the center of a shrinking arena using the rules of rock paper scissors. The game is made with Unity DOTS and Open Netcode.


Trailer | Website | Steam
Name: Mosaic
Status: Released
Company: Krillbite Studio
When: 2016-2018
Role: Programmer & Lead Programmer

Mosaic is a weird dystopian story game about not wanting to go to work because you’re depressed. I took over the role as Lead Programmer in 2017 and made several core additions to the codebase as well as managing multiple team members and planning.

Among the Sleep

Trailer | Website | Steam
Name: Among the Sleep
Status: Released
Company: Krillbite Studio
When: 2015-2016
Role: Programmer

Among the Sleep is a horror game where you play as a two year old child and your mother is missing. I was hired in the beginning of 2015 to do console porting to the Playstation 4 and Xbox One as well as upgrading the project from Unity 4 to Unity 5. I later did some initial work on the Nintendo Switch port and the enhanced edition of the game.

Size DOES Matter

Name: Size DOES Matter
Status: Released
Company: DOS Studios
When: 2013-2015
Role: Programmer & CEO

Size DOES Matter is a mobile game about rhythmically fitting inside different sized holes. Channel 4 was our publisher and we won a BAFTA award for it in 2014.

Main Skills


My main language of choice and the one I’m the most proficient in. I’ve gone through all the different stages of writing bad code, to knowing a lot of coding principles and overengineering my code, to finally landing on a more data oriented approach with procedural programming techniques. My current method of writing code in C# is to focus on the data transformation aspect of it and using object oriented programming as a support structure and a facade in order to keep the code flat, pragmatic and easy to use.


I haven’t touched this in a couple of years but for the first 6 years this was the main language I did projects with. I used a bunch of libraries like boost, SFML, Box2D, glew, json-spirit and luabind. It was the language that taught me about memory usage, stack vs heap and how pointers work. My biggest project in this language was a game made in school using an Entity Component Library by Pål Trefall , SFML and Box2D.

Networking in Games

I’m very interested in how games implement their netcode so I know a lot about it. I know how to do low level implementations of methods like delta snapshots, prediction and lag compensation and how to boost performance of them using multithreading.

Other Skills

Here are some other less important skills I have

Unit Testing

I like to write Unit Tests where it makes sense to write them. Procedural Programming is by default very open to unit testing, but sometimes an integration test (or just watching the thing work) is enough. Pragmatic where it makes sense. Don’t overdo it, but don’t be fully exposed to regression either.


I’ve made a bunch of experimental scripts and gamemodes in Garry’s Mod since 2006 and used Luabind for C++ in college.


I’ve written a couple of discord bots in python and I keep messing around with tiny projects. I’m quick to get something up and running.


I’ve made some scripts with Tampermonkey and Node. In 2014 I made an arbitrage trading bot for a Dota 2 trading website and in 2020 I made a crypto arbitrage trading bot for an exchange without a trading API. When I worked on Mosaic I made a simple web server using express in node to collect editor logs, screenshots and performance logs from Unity.


I’ve written a few shaders. Most of them are technical shaders like using double buffering for water and melting snow, metaballs, or instancing of objects using compute buffers. I’m not so good at making things look pretty but I’m not calling myself an artist.


In high school and college I learned MySQL and how to write queries with PHP. I use MariaDB at the moment for my discord bots.


I wrote an RSA encrypted login server in college. Today I slap OpenSSL on top of projects or use a third party authentication service like OAuth.


I’ve taught two college semesters of Introduction to C# in Unity. I’ve done workshops too.

Source Control

I know git. I know PlasticSCM. I managed a Synology NAS with GitLab for Krillbite and I’ve used git for most of my projects.

Project Planning

I like to use a physical notepad for everything and a physical kanban whiteboard at best. Game companies like to jump from one project planning tool to the next so I’ve been through a lot of them. They all do the same thing.

Other Projects

Less important projects I’ve worked on.


Name: Rainbow
Company: Krillbite
Status: Prototype
When: 2017

A SpatialOS game made in under a week for a norwegian game jam. It was later used in promotional videos by Improbable to promote their Unity SDK.

Gas Simulation

Name: Gas Simulation
Status: Prototype
When: 2021

Inspired by how atmospherics was simulated in Space Station 13 I decided to make my own and try to push the limits on how performant I can make it using Burst Compiled Jobs in Unity. I read up on the Ideal Gas Law, Adiabatic Compression and implemented them as a multithreaded, double buffered atmospheric simulation in Unity.

Flow Fields

Name: Flow Field Pathfinding
Status: Prototype
When: 2019

I didn’t know how flow fields worked so I read up on it and made an asset that converted an Unity Navmesh into a flow field with simple flocking behaviour for agents.


Name: Floggy
Status: Released on Google Play. Decayed and got removed.
When: 2015

A game jam project about a sausage creature trying to escape from spikes coming from above. Get as far as possible.